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Cultural policy of the Czech Republic 2021 - 2025

 The National Cultural Policy represents a new strategic framework for the role of culture and creativity in the Czech Republic. It is not just a strategy of the Ministry of Culture for the new period, but a fundamental change in the approach to culture, creativity and the arts. The overall aim is a broader conception of culture and creativity as an intersectoral area that is an integral part of society and the economy. The need for this transformation has been highlighted in particular by the current pandemic, which has hit the cultural and creative sector extremely hard. In order to rebuild the sector, the role of the Ministry of Culture must be expanded so that it is a good steward of the whole sector and not just a selected part of it, as has been the case to date.

A broad conception of culture and its cross-sectoral nature is an essential part of the renewal of the cultural and the creative sector, as highlighted by the current European strategies. During the pandemic, the need to link culture and creativity not only to business, regional development and the social areas but also, for example, with the education system and healthcare. The Ministry of Culture must therefore be a good partner for the rest of the public administration and the private sector. The National Cultural Policy therefore sets the general direction for culture, creativity and the arts for the next five years and serves as a basis for cooperation between the public administration and the private sector in this area.

 The participatory nature of the preparation and the style of the whole document corresponds to the new approach to the elaboration of the State Cultural Policy. This method of preparation does not change the core of the Ministry of Culture's activities. Even with regard to its scope, the State Cultural Policy does not replace sectoral concepts and strategies. These describe in particular the core of the existing activities of the Ministry of Culture and the State Cultural Policy is complementary to them. The first three objectives of the State Cultural Policy focus on the more traditional areas of the Ministry of Culture. The other three develop new areas and increase the capacity of the Ministry to effectively manage the cultural and creative sector.

The Cultural Policy 2021 - 2025 has the following objectives:

Objective 1: Increasing accessibility and availability of culture

Objective 2: Effective care of cultural heritage

Objective 3: Developing the living arts

Objective 4: Development of cultural and creative industries

Objective 5: Broader role of culture in the Czech Republic

Objective 6: Transformation of the Ministry of Culture


The full text of cultural policy is here (CZ):

File Size
National Cultural Policy of the Czech Republic 2015-2020.pdf, 1.9 MB
Cultural policy of the Czech Republic.pdf, 6.1 MB
Regarding the proposal of National cultural policy in period 2009 - 2014.pdf, 13 kB
Working study on national cultural policy from 2009-2014.pdf, 342.8 kB
National cultural policy from 2009 - 2014.pdf, 239.7 kB
Report.pdf, 67.1 kB
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